Tax Law Institute | 1717 N Street NW | Washington, DC 20036 | +1(202) 800-9230
The Tax Law Institute Mock Trial Program requires CPA and EA bar applicants and newly-admitted USTCPs to prepare for pro bono practice. After an unsuccessful mock IRS appeal, the case is sent back to the Tax Court where the participants engage in simulated courtroom procedures and practices and learn how to maintain good client relations. Each bar applicant works with a practicing seasoned USTCP to prepare and submit a petition, participate in a Branerton Conference, prepare a stipulation, file motions, take depositions, prepare witnesses, and engage in direct and cross-examinations and oral argument. They also write and submit a post-trial brief and join in post-trial discussions and procedures. A U.S. Tax Court judge is then invited by the free tax clinic to discuss the experience with the student-volunteers. The Mock Trial is our most acclaimed endeavor.
Transitioning from IRS Enrolled Agent or CPA to United States Tax Court Practitioner aka Tax Litigation Counsel is no easy task. You will become a bounded specialist in Federal tax procedure, IRC and trial practice - building blocks for a winning Federal Tax Litigation Practice.
In partnership with the Hawai'i Federal Tax Clinic | Approved U.S. Tax Court Clinical, Student Trial Practice and Calendar Call Program.
Coordinated by:
Professor Louis B. Carpenter III CPA CFP USTCP | Tax Litigation Counsel and Assistant Professor at the Tax Law Institute | Registered Coordinator of Approved U.S. Tax Court Clinical, Student Trial Practice and Calendar Call Program at the Hawai'i Federal Tax Clinic
Professor James H. Chapman E.A. M.A. M.P.A.| Federal Tax Research Director and Associate Professor at the Tax Law Institute
Professor Michael Stuart J.D. M.P.A. | Litigation Training and Trial Practice Director at the Tax Law Institute and Professor Emeritus | Volunteer Educational Advisor to U.S. Tax Court Clinical, Student Trial Practice and Calendar Call Program at the Hawai'i Federal Tax Clinic
Serina Moy E.A.| Resident Scholar and Senior Lecturer in IRC at the Tax Law Institute | Faculty Advisor at the Tax Litigation Clinic | Hawai'i Federal Tax Clinic | U.S. Tax Court Clinical, Student Practice and Calendar Call Program
The John F. Dean Apprenticeship
The program covers the following five (5) topical areas. Included in the cost are all classes, tutorial services and Mock Trials. There are no additional fees beyond the initial cost of the program.
A. Representation Before the United States Tax Court
B. Trial Documents Used in U.S. Tax Court Litigation
C. Legal Writing for United States Tax Court Practitioners
D. Mock Branerton Conference
E. Litigation Strategies in United States Tax Court
Program Objective & Costs
Tax Court litigation is logical. Good case preparation is the most important responsibility you will provide to your client, along with ensuring that you always maintain good relations and have their written informed consent about all matters relevant to the case. This program will prepare you to always do both, along with many other tasks that will ensure that regardless of all else, you will build a professional reputation as a competent and well-trained litigator and trial practitioner.
Fee: $23,995 USD
Fee: $ 4,995 USD |Self-instructing Tax Law Library Utilizing A.I.
Fee: $1,500 USD | Print Copy of Textbook
Financing Available
Questions: Email | Text IQ-58894529
Facsimile of Tax Law Institute Certificate of Completion Awarded to those who complete Apprenticeshi
Copyright © 2001-2024 Tax Law Institute IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider #RS7E4 - All Rights Reserved
Purchase our self-instructing Tax Law Library that utilizes artificial intelligence to prepare for the 2025 U.S. Tax Court Bar Examination. Self-Study using the latest artificial intelligence technology. Pass the bar. Become a United States Tax Court Practitioner. Start your own Federal Tax Litigation Practice. Get all six (6) tested subjects and more - Federal Tax Procedure, IRC, Case Law, Tax Evidence, Legal Ethics & U.S. Tax Court Rules - $4995
Available January 2025